Spider Baby or, The Maddest Story Ever Told (1968, USA) B&W-84m. ** D: Jack Hill. Starring Lon Chaney Jr., Carol Ohmart, Quinn Redeker, Beverly Washburn, Jill Banner, Sid Haig. Corny, bizarre curio about a retarded backwoods family, whose caretaker (Chaney, in his last film role) is in charge. The adolescent girls play strange murder games, and the ‚boy' (Haig) is the bald and handicapped title character. When some other, straight family members come to claim their inheritance, there is murder and mayhem. Filmed in the mid-60s, which accounts for relative tameness of the going-ons, but overall subject matter is quite bizarre, so buffs should seek this out. Director Hill also scripted and edited the picture. Also known as ATTACK OF THE LIVER EATERS, CANNIBAL ORGY, and THE LIVER EATERS.

© Ron Altman