Shurayukihime (1973, JAP) C-97m. SCOPE *** D: Toshiya Fujita. Starring Meiko Kaji, Toshio Kurosawa, Masaaki Daimon, Miyoko Akaza, Shinichi Uchida. Japanese revenge epic that served as a blueprint for Quentin Tarantino's KILL BILL movies. Kaji is a 20-year-old woman, who is driven by revenge that she must exact for her mother who died giving birth to her. Four people had raped and abused her for three days and it is those that she must seek out and kill. Cold but powerful movie with purple-prose narrative, excessive use of gore and good widescreen photography. Followed by a sequel in 1974. English titles: LADY SNOWBLOOD, BLOOD SNOW, SNOW OF BLOOD.

© Ron Altman