The brothers Wachowski are the masterminds behind the modern-day movie phenomenon THE MATRIX. The commercial (as well as critical) success of their epic science-fiction trilogy made between 1999 and 2003 has unjustly outshined their movie debut, the intricate erotic thriller BOUND (1996). The Wachowskis are cutting-edge filmmakers, whose future works will hopefully bring more intriguing stories and visions.
Assassins (1995; coscr)
Bound (1996; dir, scr, exec prod)
The Matrix (1999; dir, scr, exec prod)
Animatrix (2003; scr; collection of animated episodes set in the Matrix universe)
The Matrix Reloaded (2003; dir, scr, exec prod)
The Matrix Revolutions (2003; dir, scr, exec prod)
King Conan: Crown of Iron (2005; coprod)
© Ron Altman (last update 11/05/03)