John Boorman, a British filmmaker, has stunned audiences with stylish, imaginative films. His first major success was the thriller POINT BLANK, a film which was years ahead of its time in combining the classical crime story with surreal elements.
In 1972 Boorman made his best film, DELIVERANCE. It rates among the best action dramas of all time. EXCALIBUR, made in 1981, and HOPE AND GLORY are also considered very good films of his.
Catch Us If You Can (1965; dir)
Point Blank (1967; dir; based on the novel The Hunter by Richard Stark)
Hell in the Pacific (1968; dir)
Leo the Last (1970; dir, coscr; based on a play by George Tabori)
Deliverance (1972; dir, prod; based on the novel by James Dickey)
Zardoz (1974; dir, scr, prod)
Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977; dir, prod)
Long Shot (1978; act)
The Hard Way (1979; exec prod; made for TV)
Excalibur (1981; dir, coscr, coprod)
Angel (1982; prod)
Dream One (1984; coprod)
The Emerald Forest (1985; dir, prod)
Hope and Glory (1987; dir, scr, prod)
Where the Heart Is (1990, dir, coscr, prod)
I Dreamt I Woke Up (1991; dir, scr, act; short)
Beyond Rangoon (1995; dir, prod)
Two Nudes Bathing (1995; dir, scr, coprod; short)
Angela Mooney (1996; exec prod)
The General (1998; dir, coscr, coprod; based on the novel by Paul Williams)
The Tailor of Panama (2001; dir, coscr, coprod; based on the novel by John Le Carré)
Country of My Skull (2004; dir, coprod)
A Tiger's Tale (2007; dir, scr)
© Ron Altman (last update 07/02/2006)