Estratto dagli Archivi Segreti della Polizia di una Capitale Europea (1972)

Estratto dagli Archivi Segreti della Polizia di una Capitale Europea (1972, ITA/SPA) C-87m. **½ D: Robert Hampton (=Riccardo Freda). Starring Camille Keaton, Tony Isbert, Máximo Valverde, Luigi Pistilli, Luciana Paluzzi, Paul Müller. Wildly plotted horror chiller about a group of friends who run out of gas in the middle of nowhere during a thunderstorm and find refuge in a villa. Little do they know that the owner is about to have a black mass in the basement. Keaton's pearl necklace is said to have devilish powers, too! Strange film is confusing, even illogical, but stays with you because it is not too literate. Recommended to fans of director Freda, who - like in his previous giallo L'IGUANA DALLA LINGUA DI FUOCO (1971) - includes some jarring special effects. Score by Stelvio Cipriani is way too melodramatic and overblown. Obscure movie was probably never released officially anywhere outside Italy and Spain (title there was TRAGICA CEREMONIA EN VILLA ALEXANDRA).


© Ron Altman